AJ's Page ● Butch Dyke @ Neocities

8 questions asked of butches, via Dagger

These are my answers to the eight questions asked in Dagger: On Butch Women (also embedded at the bottom) in the section "A Random Sampling of Butches." Obviously, I wasn't interviewed, but I think every butch should think about it, and share it like those "what if" questions on old web profiles. If I were in charge of a butch dating platform, I'd probably make this the profile page.

My butch role model...

Jess Goldberg (Stone Butch Blues) and slick fags.

Butch fashion musts...

Denim or leather jacket (the sturdier & cheaper the better), white tank top, and good boots (Docs especially, but any work).

Butch fashion crimes...

White pants. I don't care what else you're wearin', it just makes ya look like a metrosexual who's scared of using a toilet plunger.

Cool butch names...

Not that I'm biased, but initials are good, like, well, AJ! I think extremely "male" names are good ones, masculine shortenings of feminine names (like "Jack" for "Jacqueline"), and short fem or neutral names (like "Liz" and "Alex") are great.

Bad butch names...

Suburban and "aesthetic/whimsical" names, I think. Stuff like Casper, Leo, Riley, and Peyton.

My early life as a butch was...

Lonely and tiring. Everyone knew I was a dyke before I even knew the word, and dyke kids don't get treated real well by most. A lot of bein' a "tomboy" and disappointin' my father (which I'm proud of).

A low point of being butch...

People insisting that lesbians ain't men and don't like men, an' a lot of the time describin' the "wrongness" of men in a way that throws in every butch. Plus, I'm not a gentleman to be called a "wombxn" or whatever the seperatists are on now.

A high point of my butch life...

Everything with my femme, but 'specially when I realized not only that I want to marry her, but that she wants to marry me!

You can read Dagger right here!